Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day: 1, Calories: 0, Power 90 Sculpt 1-2

Nutrition1349 Calories
**See note below

WorkoutPower 90 Sculpt 1-2
Status: Completed
First day, and a great indicator of my (un)fitness level...kicked my butt. Didn't do all of the video. I had to stop here and there.

Start weight: 168
Current Weight: 166
Goal Weight: 125*

**Okay, so just so y'all know what I'm doing here, I'm tracking the calories daily on a separate app (My Fitness Pal) whereas I can update the Power 90 exercises automatically from the app BringIt. Sadly, this is an awesome app that is apparently no longer available on the app store. BringIt's workout section is great, but I'm not a fan of the nutrition, so I'm using the other app. I'll try to update my calories daily (manually), but it may take a week or so. Be patient. 
Funny fact, I did the Sweat 1-2 video here, instead of the Sculpt video. I'm going to trade off, and do the Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow instead. See? Easy fix. 
*I'm 5'4", for the record. I have my goal weight at 125, but I'm shooting more for healthy than I am for a specific weight, so my goal weight may change as the weight drops, my figure changes, and as my fitness goals are fine tuned. 
Right now, my fitness level is nonexistent. I'm going to follow the P90 program, and in addition, to start, I'm going to work up to 20 push-ups (girl ones) daily, as well as 50 sit-ups. Once I've worked up to this level, I'm going to change to standard push-ups, and 100 sit-ups daily. My goal is not to do a temporary fix here, but to make a LIFETIME CHANGE.